Interesting Topics In JavaScript

Arman Hossen
3 min readNov 7, 2020

JavaScript's history is Crazy

This language is literally crazy if we see the history. JavaScript is created by “Brendan Eich” in 1995 and released in 1996 when he was an engineer in Netscape. Actually it was originally going to be called “LiveScript” (cool name) but for some tricky person actually not tricky they were mad because they attempted to capitalize the LiveScript language on the popularity of Sun Microsystem’s Java language. Then every one getting confusions and confusions about sources for both language. After that our Microsoft buddy released “JScript” with “Internet Explorer 3” which is almost like works like JavaScript.

Very cleverly after some months Netscape submitted JavaScript to ‘’Ecma International”. After that that language has become “ECMAScript” after releasing 6th edition of that language in 2015 people use to called it JavaScript because its more familiar.

So Shortly The real Name of this is ECMAScript.

Confusion With Concatenate

In this Language You get confuse with concatenation because the concatenate symbol is “+”. So if you take some number from input as string you can't do addition because the addition symbol is also “+”. So parse you value to INT or float before doing mathematical equations.


Basically JavaScript has two categories of types one is “Primitive types” and Another is “Reference Types” . Primitive types are stores value to a fixed stock. But reference types are stored value as reference.

String Literal in JavaScript

There are two types of string literal in JavaScript normal string literal is like “” and another is Template literal . Basically difference in both literals are one supports JavaScript inside string by typing manual concatenating or manual line break operations (/n) But in Template Literal string you write JavaScript inside string without any trouble of coding ${}.

Variable Confusion in JavaScript

In past ECMAScript 2015 variables are declared with “var” keyword but after releasing ECMAScript 6 they have changed the “var” keyword to “let”. However, there are also some difference between “var” and “let”. In ECMAScript 6 variables are also declares as “const” but with this keyword you can't change value again.

Operators in JavaScript

There are 5 categories of operators in JavaScript : ‘Arithmetic Operators’, ‘Assignment Operators’, ‘Comparison Operators’, ‘Logical Operators’, ‘Bitwise’

Arithmetic operators examples are : + , -, * , / , % , ** , ++ , —

Assignment Operators examples are : = , += , *=

Comparison Operators examples are: > , >= , < ,<= ,=== , !== , ==

Logical Operators examples are: && , || , !

Bitwise Operators examples are : | , &

Dynamic nature of Object

Basically Object in JavaScript means Group of properties of some object . So in JavaScript Objects are Reference types which means if some values stored in an object and later part if that value overwrites than both values are going to be change. Because both value stored in somewhere of JavaScript backwood as reference type.

Functions are objects

In JavaScript actually functions are objects. Let me tell you how that is a “Function()” Class in JavaScript back hood so if you create some function it basically do like “new Function(function name, function code)” in JavaScript back hood.

What is SSL Certificate

So when it comes to website security we must have to talk about SSL certificate Basically what it does is ensure your web data when in the air it will become encrypted.

How to know website is SSL CERTIFIED OR NOT

You can easily recognize if your website is SSL or not. What you need to do is just go to the weblink and copy that link and paste it somewhere if you in the beginning of URL “https” then it is SSL certified otherwise it not.

